Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1 at RPS

Welcome to Key Stage 1 (KS1) at Ranches Primary School! KS1 is an essential phase of education for children between the ages of 5 and 7 years old. In some other school systems, this stage may be referred to as elementary or primary school. At RPS, we are committed to providing a stimulating and supportive learning environment that caters to the unique needs of our children. Our dedicated teachers focus on nurturing academic, social, and emotional growth, ensuring our pupils develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel as they transition to the next stage of their education.

Educational Approach in Key Stage 1

Our KS1 educational approach focuses on supporting our children through important transitions. In Year 1, we introduce formal learning after a transition from FS2, providing emotional and academic support as children adjust to this change. In Year 2, we continue the gradual transition from Year 1 to foster social, emotional, and academic learning. Our aim in Year 1 is to boost independent learning and build confidence in our pupils' academic skills. By Year 2, children begin to explore topics more independently, incorporating research skills. Over the year, we complete three key topics and provide engaging learning opportunities through dress-up experience days, school trips, and topic-based activities.

Key Stage 1 Facilities

At RPS, we understand the importance of providing diverse learning environments for our Key Stage 1 pupils. Our facilities include classrooms, corridors, outside spaces, a well-being garden, a science lab, a computer room, and a Year 1 and 2 balcony. We encourage learning both in and out of the classroom, using the most appropriate environment for each lesson. School trips are thoughtfully planned to align with topics and learning objectives, ensuring our children have access to a range of experiences that complement their classroom education.

Transition to Next Year and Key Stage

Throughout Key Stage 1, we focus on preparing our children for future learning experiences. In Year 1, children start to become independent learners and adapt to formal teaching. In Year 2, we introduce problem-solving, investigations, and more opportunities to use technology, all of which help prepare children for Year 3 expectations. To ensure a smooth transition, we use class and year group stories, hold transition meetings, and work closely with the Year 2 team.

A Day in Years 1 and 2

A typical day in Years 1 and 2 at RPS starts at 7:50 am after the National Anthem. The day consists of core and foundation subjects, with specialist lessons scheduled throughout the week. Children have break times in the classroom and opportunities to enjoy outside garden and balcony time during the day. Lunch is eaten in the canteen as a year group before going out to play on the pitch. The school day concludes at 2:30 pm, when children head home to rest and recharge for another day of learning.

Ranches Primary School

Enquiries :+971 (0)4 442 9765